最近一位常出差美國的學員跟我說,在美國工作,難的不是專業英文,他覺得最常聽不懂的是美國當地的俚語 ! 聽到學員的回饋後,我們也立刻調整課程,所以這位學員現在的課程內容,就是請ebs 美國籍的老師整理美國常用的俚語,在課堂上做練習。
我們也來一起看看老師提供了那些常用的美國俚語吧 :
1. Up in the air
如果有事情是懸在空中,是不是有事情沒有確定的感覺? 所以這個俚語的意思就是對某件事情不確定 。也有人會用 TBA ( to be announced ) 來表示不確定。我們來看以下例句:
A: Have you set a date for the wedding yet?
B: No, things are still up in the air.
A: 你決定結婚的日期了嗎?
B: 沒有,很多事情還不確定。
2. Stab someone in the back
Stab 是 “ 戳;刺入 “ 的意思。不過它真正的意思沒有這麼暴力,
Stab someone in the back 的意思是說自己好朋友或親近的人的壞話。
I can’t believe Mary stabbed Kate in the back! I thought they were good friends.
真不敢相信 Mary 會說 Kate 的壞話,我以為他們是好朋友。
3. Lose your touch
Touch 大家都知道有接觸的意思,不過若 touch 當名詞還有 “ 特長,才能” 的意思, 我們來看劍橋線上字典的解釋:
If you lose your touch, you can no longer do something as well as you could before,
所以就是“ 才能和之前差很多” 的意思。
In her latest book, Marian seems to have lost her touch for creating interesting characters.
從她最新的書看來,Marian 失去了她創造有趣角色的能力了!
4. Cut to the chase
Chase 是追逐、追趕的意思, cut to the chase 從字面上其實看不太出來是什麼意思,
to talk about or deal with the important parts of a subject and not waste time with things that are not important .
所以這句俚語的意思是: “ 言歸正傳;切入正題 “ ,我們來看例句:
Hi Guys, as we don’t have much time here, I’m going to cut to the chase and talk about the major problems we have been experiencing in the office lately.
5. Pitch in
Pitch 當動詞有很多意思,比如: “ 投、擲、扔,搭(帳篷);紮(營),為……定音高;為……定調,(地面,道路等)傾斜…… 等 “。
不過Pitch in 這個俚語的意思為: to start to do something as part of a group, especially something helpful,所以就是 “ 協力, 做出貢獻 “ 的意思。
We all pitched in to buy Teacher Susan a birthday present.
我們大家出錢給Teacher Susan買生日禮物。
6. Rule of thumb
Rule of thumb 直接翻譯就是“大拇指規則 ”,也叫“經驗法則,意思是"大致的原則,概略的,不是非常精確的準則" 。
As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound that it weighs .
憑經驗估計, 每磅雞肉應烹調20分鐘。
大家有沒有聽過其他常用的美國俚語呢 ? 如果有不確定意思的美國俚語,歡迎詢問 ebs 喔!